
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A little class etiquette that you won't find printed on the syllabus.

This week is so beautiful and just all-around perfect. I don't have crippling amounts of homework, nor do I have any tests. So I feel like I shouldn't spoil it all with a rant...but I will.

Let's see. How should I put this?
For the second Chaucer class period in a row, I have sat in front of someone who has no problem sticking her feet in my butt for a considerable portion of the class time. You know how students will often rest their feet on the metal bars below the chair seat in front of them? Yeah, well this girl completely ignores that handy and socially accepted place to rest her feet. So, she aims higher and sticks her feet on my chair which, in turn, means I get to feel her feet sticking into my tush until either of us moves (and neither of us are willing to budge).

Here are some outside fact which play into this whole scenario.
1) I'm not the only one she has done it to in this class.
2) She has a notable and school-wide reputation for not being the nicest person in the world. This can be noted in that...
3) Isn't it common curtesy not to put your feet on someone's chair so that you aren't invading their butt-space? So, either she's ignorant or rude.
4) I can be pretty stubborn. This is my chair.

Now, with these facts in mind, how do I move on? I have made it obvious that my butt is. right. there. (although maybe a little too timidly). So, there's not really anyway she can't know where her feet are (unless her legs are paralyzed and she can't feel touch or pressure and that is doubtful)! I'm not going to move chairs, because pleeeeeaaaaase honey, you can't win things by being inconsiderate. I'm also not going to slouch so far that I can't feel your feet, because I'm trying not to be a hunchback by the time I'm 35. I'm also not going to passively let you keep your feet there, because it's ridiculously distracting (especially when you wiggle your feet around my tush area). If you like your feet in people's butts so much, maybe I can ram my rear into your feet for you. But, then again, I'm trying not to react like an uncontrolled prick. That, then, also rules out sitting behind her and ramming my feet her rear for a change.

As much as I don't want to face up to this girl, I'm going to have to do it in another way than this passive aggressive way I've dealt with it so far. I really don't want to be a jerk about it, but at the same time, you just can't treat people that way. 

Maybe I should simply just say something to her...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

We love to WHINE

This is going to be the only wine we drink in our house from now on ...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Getting Too Friendly, Hmmm?

So we all know they exist. Yes I'm talking about the frantic, almost stalker-like girlfriends who spy on their boitoi's Facebook profile way too much. You know, they get easily jealous at anything? Well, I try to not be one of those, even though if I happen to think about it I might go and post a little note on his page. Definitely not in the superstalker category right?
I wasn't even on his page. I was on the newsfeed homepage when I spy with my little eye a (very lengthy) conversation. It is non other than the ex-girlfriend, who shall remain annonymous, sharing feelings of longing on his wall. Now, I may be taking it a little too far, but really? Do you need to wall-to-wall 16 times talking of getting together and laughing about the "good times"?

I. don't. think so.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Side comments

So I'm getting a double-header tomorrow with midterms. While I'm going over all my notes, I'm also rereading all the side notes I take in class. Everyone does side notes, so I don't think I need to explain myself. Do I? They are probably the most raw, honest, real notes students ever really take. A couple of mine go something like this:

  • Super cute skirt! (Referring to Jeanne Provost's Anthropologie purchase)
  • Someone smells like waffles...
  • I'm.
  • Elbows at sides, pinned down. Hands flailing about (referring to how a certain professor talks most of the time).
  • --CENSORED-- class = Life Story Time
  • No one should ever have to see their professor's butt crack like I had to...
  • "We are our own little snowflakes!
Those are just a few things I jotted down. If I was re-taking Cases and Concepts you can be assured there would be more where this came from.


Weight, it's almost bathing suit season!!??

The competition is on!

3 of the 4 CHG (Cherry House Girls), who shall remain anonymous for no other reason but that it sounded good, have taken a good hard look in the mirror and have to get a few things under control!  Who have we been kidding?  For months we have been burying ourselves in puffy jackets that hide back fat and furry boats that cover our kankles.  But seriously, it is the fourth day of spring in Texas and the shorts won't hide this cellulite so it is time to get serious!

We were having one of our many intelligible conversations today in the living room about our weight issues and decided to all attempt to get into shape.  We concluded that the best approach is through a competition to see who can lose the most weight (%) in a certain amount of time.

How it all works...

Today we each measured our weight, body fat %, and body h2o %.  We wrote the numbers on a neon colored post-it note as well as the date and time.  In two weeks from today we will have our first weigh-in wearing the same clothes at the same time of the day.  Each girl will put $5 into a jar and whoever has lost the most weight % at that time will get the $15 to spend how they please.  But that's not all!  In four weeks from today we will do a second and final weigh-in, and whoever has lost the most weight % at that time will get $15 from each of the other two girls and can treat herself to a mani & pedi!
We will calculate our weight loss percentage here for accuracy!

Now, if you know anything about us at all, you will know that we are not your typical "mean girls" ... aka ... we lika the foodsa.  And I mean, we really can throw down!  We all enjoy cooking, and most of all snacking!  So needless to say, this isn't going to be easy.  There will be a lot of judging, tears of pain, growling stomachs, and bitching.  Some of us have even already expressed their strategies for using reverse psychology on the others ... even though that certain someone later went on to eat fajita nachos for dinner!  But that is neither here nor there.  One technique that we all plan to acquire is the use of a juice machine!  Our dear friend, Jeff (from the Green Market), shared with us his secret to losing love-handles -- fresh squeezed carrot juice.  But that is the only secret we are sharing amongst ourselves.  After all, it is a competition!

Later to come... posts of the winner for each challenge and before and after pics!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Chipotle for the Hungry Soul

One of our housemates' sorority sisters is an advertiser for Chipotle and is always passing out 'Buy One, Get One Free' burrito cards.  Naturally she is always giving them to our housemate, who brings them home and entices us with dinner offers.  First of all, Chipotle is so amazing and we all love it and who can pass up a $4 burrito that serves as two meals (usually)?

Okay, it is 11:45 at night and this is looking quite delicious right now!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Technology!  Who could live without it?  It's great.

I have been thinking a lot lately about how much I miss playing Nintendo, old school on the computer, with my older brother when we were little kids.  The Wii is great, but what happened to the good ol' joystick?

Anyway, I was always Luigi and my brother, Mario.  We were so good at that game.

If you know how I can still play it like we did in the golden days, fill me in with a comment below!

Friday, March 12, 2010

We are proud members...

...of the blogging community! I mean, look at our blog! We are well on our way to be one of the "in" blogs!

Being so up on our game is so rewarding! We know exactly what is going on everywhere else.
Well, sort of...

I recently became a fan of Blog give aways when Real Simple told me it was a great place to find gifts. If you have a blog, you need to check this site out. If you have a twitter or a facebook, that's a plus too. They give you more chances of winning if you re-post things for them on your other social media outlets.

Give it a whirl! It's pretty addicting!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Double Feature (movies)

Hands down, there's going to be a double feature at the house sometime soon.

All of us girls are dying to see:

 They are just what this house needs! (Especially if there is a chance this house might get netflix shortly!)

Garden Party

So, the Cherry House is now in the process of planning a garden party.
With hopes that the weather will be beautiful, we plan to open our house and backyard to people who are willing to celebrate springtime. We'll sip on sweet beverages arranging a rainbow of flavors in our mouths and eat dainty things like cucumber sandwiches. I could go on, but I don't want to give away the best parts before they happen. What I will say, is that I will spend spring break checking every couch-cushion for spare change so that we can afford the following for our humble garden party:

Chic lawn furniture anyone?

A good croquet set, naturally

The must-have lawn umbrella

The PERFECT dress

Honestly, our garden party is probably going to be this good!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

This is our neighborhood....

How about a double feature of Sherman-at-its-finest?

Good. Here you go:
So I'm sitting on the porch (cause it's beautiful weather to do so) and doing homework. I'm noticing that the neighborhood teenage guys are outside hanging around their suped up red pick-up truck thinking they are hott stuff revving that engine. And they really are hott stuff, because everyone knows that using every last molecule to be the most abrasive, masoganistic, males on the planet is just down-right sexy.

So, I'm sitting outside noticing that they're revving their engine for the up-teenth time as I'm typing my English paper. The two guys in the pick-up truck are just sitting their revving their engines with the windows rolled down. I guess this is their way of enjoying the beautiful day? (Each to their own. Each to their own. Each to their own.) All of the sudden, the dad comes barreling out of the house yelling something-or-other (I don't know, I'm listening to Pandora). His gym shorts and black t-shirt are separated by his beer belly that is refusing to keep them modestly together. The acquiring speed of his procession to the car helps the velocity of his fist when he punches one of the kids through the passenger side window of the truck (angry much?). Yelling ensues, both boys get out and go into the house while the dad rants about some girl having some type of drug. Later their back outside to get back to their engine-revving.

For the 30 seconds it took for all that to take place, I sure thought about it a lot more. I know that I sound like a very cynical, unloving soul when I talk about all of this. But I assure you that watching them and the acorn-pickers plays on my heartstrings that are designed for people-watching. While I don't endorse domestic abuse by any means, it does make for the most perfect story to blog about.

I love people! I love life!


Ok, so I don't know if you've looked out your window lately or not. If you did, I'm sure you'd notice what I'd like to call "the acorn-pickers" all around! They're everywhere, I swear! I see them in my yard, my neighbor's yard, your yard, at the school and scattered across the face of Sherman. My boyfriend thinks the term "acorn-picker" is racist, but trust me when I say it is completely interracial!

It seems like people from all nations, tribes, colors and backgrounds come out of the woodwork and go around picking acorns off of the lawns of others. It's a sort of gathering of the people. Everyone comes out to pick acorns, literally, out of all lawns like it's some Easter egg hunt all year.

What the hell they are doing, I have not the slightest clue! I mean, are they hungry?! I'll make them a sandwich or something! Are they trying to kill squirrels by taking their food? Silly Shermanites, those squirrels can't be killed so easily!

Just the other day I came home to see people picking acorns in our yard.

Creepy much?

Next day they are at the neighbors.

Ok, so it's a neighborhood thing. Great. I live in that part of Sherman.

Then I see them picking around at school.

Is this some sort of community service project? Pecan pie for the masses?

I don't know what's going on. I just know that I live in the acorn-picking capital of the country and I'm pretty amused by it! I seriously have a strong desire building up to join them and see what this is all about! Maybe it's some sort of warped strength and agility training! I could go for some of that!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March Madness

March has officially started off with madness.  It is a wonder we find time to have remotely any social life, try to be cute, or keep any decent relationships in college.  We are slaves ... and we pay to be slaves, no less!

Let me start this rant by first letting all of you loyal followers know that I bought my last textbook today on Amazon capping off my semester grand total at $750 on books alone.  With what little money I had left over, I went to the Green Market and spent $20 on delicious Tillamook sharp cheddar cheese and came home and made a big batch of homemade mac 'n' cheese for our little Cherry House to eat off of for as long as we possibly can.   Unfortunately, we won't have the opportunity to ever eat it together because we are all so busy with our respective activities (i.e. studying, classes, not having fun, etc.).

But this isn't the worst thing to happen.  The most horrific things have been happening around here lately, or not happening for that matter, and that is that we have been unable to salvage our Cherry House religious ritual, "nap time."  I know what you must be thinking, and we are wondering the same question.  How do we survive?  And the answer to that question is, loyal followers, we are scraping by.

I wonder if they call it March Madness because everything crazy and ridiculous happens in March, or if it is because everything from the last two months catches-up to us in March?  I will speak for all of us and say it is probably the latter, at least I can say that is the truth in my case ...

It just seems that I am finding it more and more difficult to juggle all of my responsibilities as I gain more experience in college.  Is that totally backwards? YES!  They say something about time management being your key to success, and I. clearly. have. none.! HELP!

So, coming up we have this little thing they call 'Spring Break'.  Hopefully we can all take advantage of this time and catch a breather from this March Madness and get caught up.  It is time to get back on track, people.  And if we stray again ...

We should alway remember to do as the the wise words of Ralph Waldo Emerson suggest, "Finish each day and be done with it.  You have done what you could.  Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.  Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense."

Thanks for listening to my rant,

xo Elizabeth